
General stepping motor

General stepping motor has eight root lead.It can be configured for single polarity can be configured to bipolar stepper motor.In resolution of this kind of stepper motor windings may cause some confusion,users because of wholesalemotor.blogspot.com the need to master the correct winding polarity and order.Usually,just rely on observation is unable to determine the polarity of the winding.Fortunately,you can through the electronic measurement method to infer it.1.Distinguish general stepping motor winding polarity In order to measure and determine the general stepping motor winding polarity,need a power supply or battery,and a digital multimeter.Please follow the following steps: (1) first of all,using a digital multimeter ohm file to find four leads,and to identify four windings.(2) choose two windings,and generator stator each choose a lead short answer to each other.Will switch to the digital multimeter AC voltage 20 v,connect the two pens and a digital multimeter to measuring the two ends of the winding.

3.Turn the motor shaft,if the get 2 v voltage reading,then found the same set of winding and also determine their polarity f figure of 81.If the multimeter reading is 0 v,as well as determine the polarity of the winding,the reverse polarity f they see electric motors price figure 9).Switch to the winding of the other fuses and short received another winding,in order to verify the previous assumptions.(4) with lead to indicate the polarity of the windings.As to which side as the above graphic mark of black spots in the end it doesn't matter,as long as you know how to group.2.The configuration method of general stepping motor polarity This section about configuration of general stepping motor polarity of three ways: single polarity,bipolar series and bipolar parallel.As shown in figure 10 configuration simulates a single polarity of single phase asynchronous motor the six winding stepper motor.Shown in figure 11 bipolar configuration can work at a relatively low frequency high torque.Its working frequency cannot is higher,because the series winding with high magnetic resistance,peak current,therefore,cannot fast.Dual polarity is shown in figure 12 parallel configuration the output torque is less than bipolar stepper motor cascade configuration,but it has higher operating frequency,because of the parallel winding configuration has a low magnetic resistance,peak current can be quickly.

