
PID control alternator generator

full load 75% load 50%load three phase induction electric motor Y series B35

-One year warranty 
-Within 25 days delivery 

-Life: 5-7 years
Today's automatic control technology is based on the concept of feedback. Feedback theory includes three fan motor parts: the elements of measurement, comparison and execution. Measurement concerned variables, compared with expectations, with the error correcting adjusting control system response. The fan motor stator winding theory and three phase motor application of generator automatic control is the key to make the right measurement and comparison, how can better correct the system. PID (proportional integral differential) controller as the earliest practical controller has 70 years of history, and still is the most widely used industrial controller. PID controller is easy motor electric to understand, there is no need of accurate www.facebook.com/dongfeng.motor system model in ac induction motor lamination use, such as precondition, and become the most widely applied controller. PID controller from the proportional unit (P), integral (I) and differential unit (D). Its input e (t) and the relationship between the output u (t) as follows: u (t) = KP [e (t) + 1 / TI ∫ e (t) dt + TD * (t)/dt] type integral in the upper and lower 0 s and t, respectively. So its transfer function is: G (s) = U (s)/E (s) = KP (1 + 1 / + TD * * s (TI) s]. The KP ratio; TI is integral AC motor time constant; TD for differential time constant

2 条评论:

  1. Interesting post. I am looking for blogs related Stator Winding Machine.
    Its looks good but it needs more clarifications. Thank you for your post.

  2. http://3phasepower.blogspot.in/2011/05/how-to-rewind-and-electric-motor-part-1.html?showComment=1454061683313#c8802829869637453421
