The chip IC2 outdoor (main pin function (9821)
IC6 1 foot will reset signal sent to the microprocessor reset end of IC2 27 feet, IC2 began to work. IC2 first detection of outdoor temperature, the temperature of compressor, outdoor heat exchanger temperature, if not normal, issue exception information to the indoor machine through serial communication interface, and display the fault alarm. If normal, accept refrigeration command from the indoor machine, IC2 52 to ICl (4) feet, output level inverter ICl 13 feet into a low level, make SW3 electric suction, short-circuit PTC1, to provide power module working current. After a delay, Ic2 from 55 feet, output level to Icl is the first (1) the foot, inverter Icl output low level 16 feet, make SWl electric suction, outdoor fan to work in low gear. generator set spare parts At the same time, Ic2 from (4), (5, 6, 7), and 0 ~ 30 ~ 125 hz pet-name ruby foot drive signal to the power module, make the compressor work.
If the set temperature and indoor temperature difference is bigger, full capacity signal from CPU to the house, the air conditioner by three horse, a horse to the outdoor fan automatically transform into high speed gear ac motor at the same time. If indoor machine heating command, the IC2 outdoor from 53 feet to ICl output level (3) feet, ICl from 14 feet output low level, make the SW4 absorption, electromagnetic valve to suck, refrigerant change flow direction, air conditioner, heating, light up the circuit of LED lights on the outdoor at the same time. Air conditioner work, IC2 from 18 feet to monitor lamination the working current, flow signals, if two consecutive seen, the exception of the judgment, immediately shut off the outdoor fan and the compressor, and the fault signal to the indoor machine, outdoor indoor machine shut down and displays a fault alarm. In general, outdoor fan and the compressor start at the same time, but after 30 seconds later shut down (unless specified).