PID principle - step response
Step response is a step input (step function) added to Water pump the system, the fan motor output of the system. Steady-state error refers to the AC motor response of the system after entering the steady stator state, the difference between generator set the desired output ac induction motor and the generator actual output of the system. The performance of the control system can be used to steady, accurate, quick three words to describe. Stability refers to the stability of the system (stability), a system to work normally, first of all generator ac synchronous generator must be stable, look from the step response should be permanent magnet motors for small diesel engine sale convergence; quasi refers to the accuracy of the control system, control accuracy, usually use the Steady state error to (Steady - state error), which represents the system output steady-state value and the difference between the expected value; quick response refers to the control system of quickness, usually use rise time to quantitative description.