1 Phenomenon: starting controller cannot be started.Methods: 1,grounding detection,normal.
2,control cabinet,soft start fault,starting current is not normal.3,replace the soft
wholesalemotor.blogspot.com starter.4,phenomena,and 2.5,measuring and motor
resistance,resistance to 0.Lazy day,I turned out to be workers,only measuring grounding resistance,no
resistance value between test items,we water pump motor checked for a long
time,thought it was a soft starter is broken,the www.facebook.com/guohong.trading
terminal box at the original are all connected to the motor power cable to cut off,oh my god,can
single phase induction motor my bitter pit,sorching summer I stayed for two days on
site in sewage mosquitoes can calculate to see blue.Other: if the motor is good for fire insurance,it
must be soft starter is broken.