
Three-phase asynchronous motor rotor current and the stator current is increased or decreased?

Three-phase asynchronous motor in the power supply voltage must be,if the load resistance increases,will force the output of the electricalmotor1.blogspot.com motor torque increase,at this point,the rotor of the motor current and stator current how will increase
accordingly.Three-phase asynchronous motor in the power supply voltage must be,if the load resistance increases,will force the output of the motor torque increase,at this point,the rotor of the motor current and stator current how will increase accordingly.Three-phase three phase generator asynchronous motor running under the rated voltage,load increases,the resistance torque is increased,the speed will be reduced,but very small,so that the motor stator and rotor of frequency offset,the impedance of the system (inductance),three phase stator current,rotor induced current also increases accordingly.Of course the load increases load power is also increased.By reducing load increase,rotational motor fan speed,the motor rotor speed than the stator rotating magnetic field rotation speed increase.Slip,motor output torque increase,at a certain frequency and voltage.The rotor and stator of the motor current will increase.Current increase natural motor output power is bigger.

