
Vice winding single-phase electric machine Lord judge method

Vice winding single-phase electric machine Lord in manufacturing,the basic follow the winding impedance is small,the principle of three phase generator impedance is bigger and vice winding.This helps prolong capacitor discharge time,enhancing the effect of phase shift capacitor.The first step is to use a multimeter find resistance from three fuses the two largest root lead,remaining a lead is the deputy winding is connected to the public end.As shown above in the largest lead resistance between a and c,b is lead the public end.Motor vehicle In the second step,using a multimeter measure public end and the other two root,the resistance between the lead connection at the end with the larger one of the lead resistance Between the winding is acmotor2.blogspot.com winding.Connection between smaller a lead winding is the main winding.As shown in figure in the BC lead the resistance between the larger,lead c is vice winding wire.Between ab resistance is small,the lead is a main winding wire.

